This week’s entry “Still alone” to the Six-Sentence Story prompt runs a little late, I am sorry. Ellie is a reflection of the young girl present in me.
The prompt was created by our wonderful girlieontheedge
A small ad before the story, sorry.
Rules of the hop:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word.
Spread the word and put in a good one to your fellow writers
Other stories can be found here.
Six-Sentence Story – Still Alone
Ellie found it easier to cope with the world by slowly removing herself from it, she had a superpower of cooking up wonderlands in her head and falling in love with strangers as she built them into magical characters in her stories and poems.
As the reality seemed to shun her out and strike her with a pike into her heart she fell in love with words, as if the blood dripping from the end of it was a pitch-black tint tainting her poetry with pain and sorrow as she crafted her words into bullets that could make a grown man shed a tear.
She had been accused of being cold and so withdrawn from life and people that it almost seemed as if she was not from this world, she had become tired of even trying to fit in by her late twenties and found a companion in red wine and rain running down her windows.
But only she knew that she wasn’t incapable of feelings as much as in communicating them out loud in any other manner than locking herself in and just writing, talking to people made her nervous and she rather spoke to the void than a man that could reject her.
Today wasn’t any different as the man had carried a weapon in his left pocket, while she was stuttering and trembling from her admirations she felt every word run from her wound at a strike of a knife.
“In my chest a gaping hole and no matter how many lovers or stories I have filled it with – I am still alone and quite dead inside.”

Links To My Work
Stories: Six-Sentence Stories, Short Stories, Romance and All That, Dead Poet
My band “Chaos in Spring” can be listened to on YouTube, Spotify and other streaming services.
Ellie…I hear you…I see you.
I am sorry.
I think Ellie was shot but I don’t know why. Lovers and stories won’t fill the hole. Let me know if you’d like to hear what would.
What Ellie does not realize is that there are people like her and she has the whole world at her fingertips, but for some reason, she always seems to court the uninterested.
Ellie, there is always someone out there who will listen, we just have to find that person for you.
I wonder who that person will be.